Saturday, June 14, 2008

I've arrived in Denmark

Today was a driving day. I spent time on the internet this morning working on my itinerary for the next week. I want to go north into Norway to see the spectacular scenery of the fjords. I’m having difficulty finding hotels in the places I wanted to stay. It’s time to be flexible I have chosen alternate sites. It’s also a time for “sticker shock”too. It seems that hotels cost more in Scandinavia. After working at it this evening, I have hotels reserved up through June 20. I still had to deal with the “blitzen” German autobahn drivers, as I used these highways exclusively today. Funny though, when they get to Denmark, they are not so fast. The Danish police must enforce the speed limits here. I let my gas tank hit the empty zone because I did not have enough Danish money to fill it & I had some Euros I needed to spend before I left Germany. Usually there are many gas stations along the Autobahn, but I on a minor road near Hamburg wit none. Eventually, I found gas in a small town about 6 miles off the highway. I finally arrived in Juesminde a small town in Denmark.

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